Qigong Academy of Master Michael J.C. Shen

Qigong is a holistic way of maintaining good health though harmony between the spirit, body and mind of a person. This is done through the cultivation of a person's inherent potential to promote their inner Qi (pronounced chee) or life force. Qigong in literary terms is translated as energy work, and is a multi-disciplinary science. This includes the study of preventative medicine featuring fitness and anti-aging.

The subject of Qigong is all-embracing; it encompasses philosophy, science, religion and other related disciplines into a unified field of study.

Discover your health from a different perspective and acquire easy to learn methods to quickly improve your energy and sense of well-being through the ancient art of Qigong. Master Michael Shen, M.A., B.A., is President of the International Qigong Association Canadian chapter, and is an accomplished instructor and practitioner for over 30 years. Michael's passion and life work is promoting this all-embracing discipline.

  for Mind

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